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You want to make a difference to your office, product launches and other events with plants that stimulate the senses. But you need it to be quick, easy and affordable, too.


In our Rent-A-Plant service you can rent certain plants for your special event that we believe will travel well to your event and continue to look great throughout the time they are with you. Plants available for rental may vary according to season.


The rental fee for plant is only 20% of the retail price for each plant, which means big savings for you. For your convenience, it is advisable to avail a rent and maintenance service for the plants as they require regular maintenance to keep them fresh and healthy and we also offer delivery and/or pickup of the plants in the Udaipur region for a regular delivery fee each way.


Still not sure which plants are best for your needs or how many to get?

Call us or simply submit the inquiry form on this page and we'll get right back to you to discuss your needs. 

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© 2017 Garden Corner

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